What's the intuition behind Pythagoras' theorem?

Ponder this image and you will see why your intuition about what is going on is correct:

enter image description here

It is not quite important that the shapes of the figures you put on the edges of your right triangle are squares. They can be any figure, since the area of a figure goes with the square of its side. So you can put pentagons, stars, or a camel's shape... In the following picture the area of the large pentagon is the sum of the areas of the two smaller ones:

I'm am not able to rescale Camels with geogebra... so here are pentagons

But you can also put a triangle similar to the original one, and you can put it inside instead of outside. So here comes the proof of Pitagora's Theorem.

enter image description here

Let $ABC$ be your triangle with a right angle in $C$. Let $H$ be the projection of $C$ onto $AB$. You can easily notice that $ABC$, $ACH$ and $CBH$ are similar. And they are the triangles constructed inside the edges of $ABC$. Clearly the area of $ABC$ is the sum of the areas of $ACH$ and $CBH$, so the theorem is proven.

In my opionion this is the proof which gives the essence of the theorem.

Bulberage's diagram is a common way to visualize it. I like this one too. Make four copies of your right triangle and arrange them like this: enter image description here

The total area of the square is $C^{2} $

The area of the white square is $(A-B)^{2} = A^{2}-2AB+B^{2}$. (Note that it doesn't matter if $A-B$ is negative because we're squaring it.)

The area of the four triangles is $2AB$.

The total area of the outer square is equal to the four triangles plus the inner square:

$C^{2} = A^{2} - 2AB + B^{2} + 2AB $

and we're done.