What's the height of a UITabBar on iOS 8, iOS 9, iOS 10, and iOS 11?

For iOS 8, 9, and 10 the height is 49 points, both on iPad and iPhone and both in portrait and landscape. It used to be 56 points on iOS 7.

For iOS 11, things get a bit more complicated:

In portrait and regular landscape, the height is still 49 points. In compact landscape, the height is now 32 points.

On iPhone X, the height is 83 points in portrait and 53 points in landscape.

iOS 9 and iOS 10 still uses 49 points for the Tab Bar (and 64 points for a navigation bar) Thanks for the self Q/A, was actually helpful to conform what I had on storyboard.

I would recommend just calculating it using TabBar.Height - UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow.SafeAreaInsets.Bottom. Check for system version >= 11 first.