What's the difference between BrowserModule and platformBrowserDynamic?

platformBrowserDynamic is a function used to bootstrap an Angular application.

CommonModule is a module that provides all kinds of services and directives one usually wants to use in an Angular2 application like ngIf. CommonModule is platform-independent.

BrowserModule exports CommonModule and provides a few services specific to the browser platform (in contrary to ServerModule or ServiceWorkerModule).

BrowserModule should only be imported in AppModule, CommonModule can be imported everywhere.

Angular Modules help organize an application into cohesive blocks of functionality.

Root module needs to import the BrowserModule from @angular/platform-browser to the imports array.

BrowserModule registers critical application service providers. It also includes common directives like NgIf and NgFor which become immediately visible and usable in any of this modules component templates.

QuickStart application is a web application that runs in a browser which involves this Browser Module

PlatformBrowserDynamic - contains the client side code that processes templates

See these links, this might help also: @angular/platform-browser vs. @angular/platform-browser-dynamic



BrowserModule-Exports required infrastructure for all Angular apps. Included by default in all Angular apps created with the CLI new command. Re-exports CommonModule and ApplicationModule, making their exports and providers available to all apps.

platformBrowserDynami-to bootstrap an application.

