What's the better way to check if a String is empty than using String.trim().length() in Java 5/6?

I always like to use the Apache Commons StringUtils library. It has isEmpty() and is isBlank() which handles whitespace.


Not to mention the numerous other helpful methods in that class and the library in general.

I'd use the Guava CharMatcher class:

boolean onlyWhitespace = CharMatcher.WHITESPACE.matchesAllOf(input);

Okay guys, I have found it finally from PMD rules of InefficientEmptyStringCheck:

Since: PMD 3.6
String.trim().length() is an inefficient way to check if a String is really empty, as it creates a new String object just to check its size. Consider creating a static function that loops through a string, checking Character.isWhitespace() on each character and returning false if a non-whitespace character is found.

This is only a suggestion from PMD. To adopt it or not is depending on which has priority: the efficiency of programs or the time of programmers.


