What replaces WCF in .Net Core?

WCF is not supported in .NET Core since it's a Windows specific technology and .NET Core is supposed to be cross-platform.

If you are implementing inter-process communication consider trying the IpcServiceFramework project.

It allows creating services in WCF style like this:

  1. Create service contract

    public interface IComputingService
        float AddFloat(float x, float y);
  2. Implement the service

    class ComputingService : IComputingService
        public float AddFloat(float x, float y)
            return x + y;
  3. Host the service in Console application

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // configure DI
            IServiceCollection services = ConfigureServices(new ServiceCollection());
            // build and run service host
            new IpcServiceHostBuilder(services.BuildServiceProvider())
                .AddNamedPipeEndpoint<IComputingService>(name: "endpoint1", pipeName: "pipeName")
                .AddTcpEndpoint<IComputingService>(name: "endpoint2", ipEndpoint: IPAddress.Loopback, port: 45684)
        private static IServiceCollection ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            return services
                .AddNamedPipe(options =>
                    options.ThreadCount = 2;
                .AddService<IComputingService, ComputingService>();
  4. Invoke the service from client process

    IpcServiceClient<IComputingService> client = new IpcServiceClientBuilder<IComputingService>()
        .UseNamedPipe("pipeName") // or .UseTcp(IPAddress.Loopback, 45684) to invoke using TCP
    float result = await client.InvokeAsync(x => x.AddFloat(1.23f, 4.56f));

You can use gRPC for hosting web services inside .NET core application.

enter image description here


  1. gRPC is a high performance, open source RPC framework initially developed by Google.
  2. The framework is based on a client-server model of remote procedure calls. A client application can directly call methods on a server application as if it was a local object.


Server Code

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)

    private static async Task RunAsync()
        var server = new Grpc.Core.Server
            Ports = { { "", 5000, ServerCredentials.Insecure } },
            Services =
                    .AddMethod(Descriptors.Method, async (requestStream, responseStream, context) =>
                        await requestStream.ForEachAsync(async additionRequest =>
                            Console.WriteLine($"Recieved addition request, number1 = {additionRequest.X} --- number2 = {additionRequest.Y}");
                            await responseStream.WriteAsync(new AdditionResponse {Output = additionRequest.X + additionRequest.Y});


        Console.WriteLine($"Server started under []. Press Enter to stop it...");

        await server.ShutdownAsync();

Client Code

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)

    private static async Task RunAsync()
        var channel = new Channel("", 5000, ChannelCredentials.Insecure);
        var invoker = new DefaultCallInvoker(channel);
        using (var call = invoker.AsyncDuplexStreamingCall(Descriptors.Method, null, new CallOptions{}))
            var responseCompleted = call.ResponseStream
                .ForEachAsync(async response => 
                    Console.WriteLine($"Output: {response.Output}");

            await call.RequestStream.WriteAsync(new AdditionRequest { X = 1, Y = 2});

            await call.RequestStream.CompleteAsync();
            await responseCompleted;

        Console.WriteLine("Press enter to stop...");

        await channel.ShutdownAsync();

Shared Classes between Client and Server

public class AdditionRequest
    public int X { get; set; }
    public int Y { get; set; }

public class AdditionResponse
    public int Output { get; set; }

Service descriptors

using Grpc.Core;
public class Descriptors
    public static Method<AdditionRequest, AdditionResponse> Method =
            new Method<AdditionRequest, AdditionResponse>(
                type: MethodType.DuplexStreaming,
                serviceName: "AdditonService",
                name: "AdditionMethod",
                requestMarshaller: Marshallers.Create(
                    serializer: Serializer<AdditionRequest>.ToBytes,
                    deserializer: Serializer<AdditionRequest>.FromBytes),
                responseMarshaller: Marshallers.Create(
                    serializer: Serializer<AdditionResponse>.ToBytes,
                    deserializer: Serializer<AdditionResponse>.FromBytes));


public static class Serializer<T>
    public static byte[] ToBytes(T obj)
        var buffer = new OutputBuffer();
        var writer = new FastBinaryWriter<OutputBuffer>(buffer);
        Serialize.To(writer, obj);
        var output = new byte[buffer.Data.Count];
        Array.Copy(buffer.Data.Array, 0, output, 0, (int)buffer.Position);
        return output;

    public static T FromBytes(byte[] bytes)
        var buffer = new InputBuffer(bytes);
        var data = Deserialize<T>.From(new FastBinaryReader<InputBuffer>(buffer));
        return data;


Sample client output

Sample Server output


  1. https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/dotnet/2018/12/04/announcing-net-core-3-preview-1-and-open-sourcing-windows-desktop-frameworks/
  2. https://grpc.io/docs/
  3. https://grpc.io/docs/quickstart/csharp.html
  4. https://github.com/grpc/grpc/tree/master/src/csharp


  1. http://csharptest.net/787/benchmarking-wcf-compared-to-rpclibrary/index.html