What permission is required to create a Service Hook in Visual Studio Team Services?

You need to add user to Project Administrators or Project Collection Administrators group.

For some reason on TFS 2017 RTM, some projects' Project Administrators could create Service Hooks and some could not.

I had to run the following from tfssecurity.exe:

tfssecurity /a+ /collection:[TFS_Collection_URL] ServiceHooks PublisherSecurity/[Project_GUID] EditSubscriptions n:"[User_ID]" ALLOW
tfssecurity /a+ /collection:[TFS_Collection_URL] ServiceHooks PublisherSecurity/[Project_GUID] ViewSubscriptions n:"[User_ID]" ALLOW

More information:

  • Rest API on getting Project GUIDS
  • MS TFS Service Hook Q/A
  • MSDN forums: What permissions do I need to set up a subscription


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