What ORM can I use for Access 2007 - 2010? I'm after WPF binding to the tables etc

You can't use Entity Framework, because it doesn't work with Access databases.

It's possible to use NHibernate with MS Access, although NH doesn't support Access out of the box.
You need NHibernate.JetDriver from NHContrib and here are example settings for the NH config file.

If I recall it correctly, NH Contrib needs to be compiled against the exact NH version you're using, so you probably need to download the source code and compile it by yourself.

As an alternative, you can use one of the many micro-ORMs, for example Stack Overflow's own Dapper.

Dapper is DB agnostic, so it can connect to everything including Access. Quote from the official site:

Will dapper work with my db provider?
Dapper has no DB specific implementation details, it works across all .net ado providers including sqlite, sqlce, firebird, oracle, MySQL and SQL Server

The disadvantage is that because Dapper is DB agnostic, you have to implement some advanved stuff yourself, like paging.


IMO Dapper is in the "fairly easy to run quickly catagory".
Take a look at this:
(complete demo project here)

using System;
using System.Data.OleDb;
using Dapper;

namespace DapperExample
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (var con = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=test.mdb"))
                var list = con.Query<Product>("select * from products");

                Console.WriteLine("map to a strongly typed list:");
                foreach (var item in list)
                    Console.WriteLine(item.ProductNumber + " : " + item.Description);


                var list2 = con.Query("select * from products");

                Console.WriteLine("map to a list of dynamic objects:");
                foreach (var item in list2)
                    Console.WriteLine(item.ProductNumber + " : " + item.Description);


    public class Product
        public string ProductNumber { get; set; }
        public string Description { get; set; }

There are two different queries in this example code.

The first one maps to a strongly typed list, e.g. the result is an IEnumerable<Product>. Of course it needs a Product class that it can map to.

The second query returns an IEnumerable<Dynamic> (>= .NET 4.0) which means that the properties are evaluated on the fly and you don't need to define a class before, but the disadvantage is that you lose type safety (and IntelliSense).
My personal opinion is that the missing type safety is a deal breaker for me (I prefer the first query syntax), but maybe this is something for you.

Hate to resurrect an old thread but I recently did a WPF project using PetaPoco, a micro-ORM, with MS Access so I thought I'd share my implementation.

To add MS Access support to PetaPoco, you just need to add a couple of bits of code:

First add an AccessDatabaseType class. All of the DataBaseType classes are at the end of the PetaPoco.cs file. Just add the new class after SqlServerDatabaseType.

class AccessDatabaseType : DatabaseType
    public override object ExecuteInsert(Database db, IDbCommand cmd, string PrimaryKeyName)
        return db.ExecuteScalar<object>("SELECT @@@IDENTITY AS NewID;");


Next, modify PetaPoco.Internal.DatabaseType.Resolve() to support the AccessDatabaseType. (This code assumes you are using the Jet OLEDB provider)

public static DatabaseType Resolve(string TypeName, string ProviderName)

    if (ProviderName.IndexOf("Oledb", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0)
        return Singleton<AccessDatabaseType>.Instance;  

    // Assume SQL Server
    return Singleton<SqlServerDatabaseType>.Instance;

Finally, to instantiate PetaPoco use this:

Db = New PetaPoco.Database("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\db.mdb", "System.Data.Oledb")


  • PetaPoco assumes your primary keys are autonumber/identity fields. If you have a PK that's not an autonumber or you have a composite PK, you'll need to implement your own insert & save logic.
  • I didn't need paging in my application so I didn't implement it.