What must I do to make my methods awaitable?

Your method

private async Task TestAsyncAwait()
    int i = await TaSLs_Classes.TASLsUtils.GetZoomSettingForDistance(5);

should be written like this

private async Task TestAsyncAwait()
    Task<int> t = new Task<int>(() =>
        return TaSLs_Classes.TASLsUtils.GetZoomSettingForDistance(5);
    await t;

If you need to return the int, replace the Task type:

private async Task<int> TestAsyncAwait()
    Task<int> t = new Task<int>(() =>
        return TaSLs_Classes.TASLsUtils.GetZoomSettingForDistance(5);
    return await t;

You only need to return an awaitable. Task/Task<TResult> is a common choice; Tasks can be created using Task.Run (to execute code on a background thread) or TaskCompletionSource<T> (to wrap an asynchronous event).

Read the Task-Based Asynchronous Pattern for more information.