What is the Windows 7 command-line to remove all remember passwords in Credential Manager?

for that, you sure need to create a batch file. maybe follwing link will help you on this

This is the similar post. Try it out.

The script

cmdkey.exe /list > "%TEMP%\List.txt"
findstr.exe Target "%TEMP%\List.txt" > "%TEMP%\tokensonly.txt"
FOR /F "tokens=1,2 delims= " %%G IN (%TEMP%\tokensonly.txt) DO cmdkey.exe /delete:%%H
del "%TEMP%\List.txt" /s /f /q
del "%TEMP%\tokensonly.txt" /s /f /q

Try the following one-liner:

for /F "tokens=1,2 delims= " %G in ('cmdkey /list ^| findstr Target') do  cmdkey /delete %H

It does exactly what the batch file does, but without the temporary files, and in a single line. Pipe the results of the cmdkey /list into findstr (which will search for a string from STDIN). Then use the result inside of a FOR loop using it's single quote "command to process" feature, and, deleting each of the items (the second parameter in the list) A nifty way to do the same thing as the batch file using just standard piping, and no temporary files.

Sure, but it depends on how many 'targetnames' you have.

cmdkey /delete:Administrator && cmdkey /delete:Knuckle-Dragger