What is the way to ignore/skip some issues from python bandit security issues report?

I've got an answer here:

Two ways:

  1. You can skip the B703 and B308 using the --skip argument to the command line.
  2. Or you can affix a comment # nosec on the line to skip.


Heads up for annotating multilines with # nosec:


li_without_nosec = [
    "select * from %s where 1 = 1 "
    % "foo"

li_nosec_at_start_works = [  # nosec - ✅ and you can put a comment
    "select * from %s where 1 = 1 "
    % "foo"

# nosec - there's an enhancement request to marker above line
li_nosec_on_top_doesntwork = [  
    "select * from %s where 1 = 1 "
    % "foo"

li_nosec_at_end_doesntwork = [
    "select * from %s where 1 = 1 "
    % "foo"
]  # nosec 


>> Issue: [B608:hardcoded_sql_expressions] Possible SQL injection vector through string-based query construction.
   Severity: Medium   Confidence: Low
   Location: test.py:3
   More Info: https://bandit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/plugins/b608_hardcoded_sql_expressions.html
2   li_without_nosec = [
3       "select * from %s where 1 = 1 "
4       % "foo"
5   ]

>> Issue: [B608:hardcoded_sql_expressions] Possible SQL injection vector through string-based query construction.
   Severity: Medium   Confidence: Low
   Location: test.py:15
   More Info: https://bandit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/plugins/b608_hardcoded_sql_expressions.html
14  li_nosec_on_top_doesntwork = [
15      "select * from %s where 1 = 1 "
16      % "foo"
17  ]

>> Issue: [B608:hardcoded_sql_expressions] Possible SQL injection vector through string-based query construction.
   Severity: Medium   Confidence: Low
   Location: test.py:21
   More Info: https://bandit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/plugins/b608_hardcoded_sql_expressions.html
20  li_nosec_at_end_doesntwork = [
21      "select * from %s where 1 = 1 "
22      % "foo"
23  ]  # nosec


Here's hoping that black won't get involved and restructure the lines, moving the # nosec around.

so much for hope... black does move things around, just like it does with pylint directives, whenever the line length becomes too long. At which point # nosec ends up at the end.

You can either proactively break up the line and position # nosec at the first one. Or you can just wait out black and adjust if needed.

Just to complete the topic - in my case I had to rid of B322: input rule, and didn't wanted to write # nosec each time I found this problem in the code, or to always execute Bandit with a --skip flag.

So if you want to omit a certain rule for whole solution, you can create a .bandit file in the root of your project. Then you can write which rules should be skipped every time, for example:

skips: B322

And then Bandit will skip this check by default without need to give additional comments in the code.