What is the syntax for creating "trace" in PSTricks?

For a static locus, it's easy doing first some geometry: it is a circle passing through the points I and J, which are 1/3 of AD, from A and D respectively. The points I and J themselves are not part of the locus. So it is enough to determine a third point, say the center of gravity K of triangle EAD, where E is equidistant from A and D, on the circle, and to draw the circumcircle of triangle KAD.

Here is a code

\documentclass[border=10pt, svgnames, pstricks]{standalone}

\usepackage{pst-eucl, auto-pst-pdf}


\pstCGravABC[PosAngle=60, PointSymbol=none, PointName={}]{A}{D}{E}{K}
\pstHomO[HomCoef=0.3333, PointNameSep=0.8em, PosAngle ={-70,-110},PointSymbol=none]{H}{A,D}[I, J]
\pstTriangleOC[linecolor=IndianRed, linewidth=1.5pt]{I}{J}{K}
\pstCGravABC[PosAngle=-75, PointNameSep=0.8em]{A}{D}{C_2}{G_2}


 The points I and J themselves are not part of the locus


enter image description here




enter image description here

