What is the notation of the set of all tuples?

For a set $A$, a usual way to denote the set of finite sequences of elements of $A$ is $$A^{< \mathbb N}.$$

In addition to this answer, the notation $A^*$ comes to mind. I've seen this in a few contexts:

  • In symbolic dynamics, an alphabet $A$ is a (finite) set. A word is a finite sequence in which each term comes from $A$. You will often see the notations $$ A^0 := \varnothing,\qquad A^n := \{ (a_1, a_2, \dotsc, a_n) : a_j \in A \}, \qquad A^* := \bigcup_{j=0}^{\infty} A^j. $$ The set $A^n$ is the set of all words of length $n$, while $A^*$ is the set of all words of finite length. In the context of the original question, the set $$ \{ F_a, F_b \}^* $$ would denote the set of all sequences of finite length where each term is either $F_a$ or $F_b$.

  • In algebra, the free monoid on a set $A$ is the collection of all finite sequences in $A$ (really, this is exactly the same thing as above, only phrased in fancier language). The notation is the same as above, so we might say that $\{F_a, F_b\}^*$ is the free monoid on (or generated by) the set $\{ F_a, F_b\}$.

  • As pointed out by Mark S. in a comment, in the fields of mathematical logic and computer science, the set $A^*$ may be called the Kleene closure of a set. The star in the notations above is, in this context, the Kleene star, which is a unary operator which acts on sets. Note that the Wikipedia page gives a slightly different construction: given a set $A$, define $$A^0 := \varnothing, \qquad A^1 := A, \qquad A^{n+1} := \{ \alpha \beta : \alpha \in A^n, \beta \in A \}, $$ where $\alpha\beta$ denotes the concatenation of the sequences $\alpha$ and $\beta$. Then $$ A^* := \bigcup_{j=0}^{\infty} A^j. $$ The set $A^*$ here is precisely the same set constructed above, however the intermediate sets $A^n$ are the collections of words of length less than or equal to $n$ (rather than words of precisely length $n$).

