What is the most efficient string concatenation method in python?

If you know all components beforehand once, use the literal string interpolation, also known as f-strings or formatted strings, introduced in Python 3.6.

Given the test case from mkoistinen's answer, having strings

domain = 'some_really_long_example.com'
lang = 'en'
path = 'some/really/long/path/'

The contenders and their execution time on my computer using Python 3.6 on Linux as timed by IPython and the timeit module are

  • f'http://{domain}/{lang}/{path}' - 0.151 µs

  • 'http://%s/%s/%s' % (domain, lang, path) - 0.321 µs

  • 'http://' + domain + '/' + lang + '/' + path - 0.356 µs

  • ''.join(('http://', domain, '/', lang, '/', path)) - 0.249 µs (notice that building a constant-length tuple is slightly faster than building a constant-length list).

Thus the shortest and the most beautiful code possible is also fastest.

The speed can be contrasted with the fastest method for Python 2, which is + concatenation on my computer; and that takes 0.203 µs with 8-bit strings, and 0.259 µs if the strings are all Unicode.

(In alpha versions of Python 3.6 the implementation of f'' strings was the slowest possible - actually the generated byte code is pretty much equivalent to the ''.join() case with unnecessary calls to str.__format__ which without arguments would just return self unchanged. These inefficiencies were addressed before 3.6 final.)

You may be interested in this: An optimization anecdote by Guido. Although it is worth remembering also that this is an old article and it predates the existence of things like ''.join (although I guess string.joinfields is more-or-less the same)

On the strength of that, the array module may be fastest if you can shoehorn your problem into it. But ''.join is probably fast enough and has the benefit of being idiomatic and thus easier for other Python programmers to understand.

Finally, the golden rule of optimization: don't optimize unless you know you need to, and measure rather than guessing.

You can measure different methods using the timeit module. That can tell you which is fastest, instead of random strangers on the Internet making guesses.

''.join(sequenceofstrings) is what usually works best -- simplest and fastest.

It depends on what you're doing.

After Python 2.5, string concatenation with the + operator is pretty fast. If you're just concatenating a couple of values, using the + operator works best:

>>> x = timeit.Timer(stmt="'a' + 'b'")
>>> x.timeit()

>>> x = timeit.Timer(stmt="''.join(['a', 'b'])")
>>> x.timeit()

However, if you're putting together a string in a loop, you're better off using the list joining method:

>>> join_stmt = """
... joined_str = ''
... for i in xrange(100000):
...   joined_str += str(i)
... """
>>> x = timeit.Timer(join_stmt)
>>> x.timeit(100)

>>> list_stmt = """
... str_list = []
... for i in xrange(100000):
...   str_list.append(str(i))
... ''.join(str_list)
... """
>>> x = timeit.Timer(list_stmt)
>>> x.timeit(100)

...but notice that you have to be putting together a relatively high number of strings before the difference becomes noticeable.


