What is the easiest way of visualizing data from stdout as a graph?

I like termeter with plenty of default options and features.

termeter can visualize data in the terminal. Data can be passed by pipe or file.

 seq 100 | awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"; print "x","sin(x)","cos(x)"}{x=$1/10; print x,sin(x),cos(x)}' | termeter

enter image description here

You can use gnuplot:

gnuplot -e 'set terminal png; plot "input.txt" with lines' > graph.png

You can even pipe input to it, just change the file name to -:

tail input.txt | gnuplot -e 'set terminal png; plot "-" with lines' > graph.png

I have never used it but there is Spark. Sounds like what you want.