What is the difference between tensors and sparse tensors?

Matthew did a great job but I would love to give an example to shed more light on Sparse tensors with a example.

If a tensor has lots of values that are zero, it can be called sparse.

Lets consider a sparse 1-D Tensor

[0, 7, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0]

A sparse representation of the same tensor will focus only on the non-zero values

values = [7,8]

We also have to remember where those values occurs, by their indices

indices = [1,4]

The one-dimensional indices form will work with some methods, for this one-dimensional example, but in general indices have multiple dimensions, so it will be more consistent (and work everywhere) to represent indices like this:

indices = [[1], [4]]

With values and indices, we don't have quite enough information yet. How many zeros are there? We represent dense shape of a tensor.

 dense_shape = [9]

These three things together, values, indices, and dense_shape, are a sparse representation of the tensor

In tensorflow 2.0 it can be implemented as

x = tf.SparseTensor(values=[7,8],indices=[[1],[4]],dense_shape=[9])
#o/p: <tensorflow.python.framework.sparse_tensor.SparseTensor at 0x7ff04a58c4a8>

tf.Tensor([7 8], shape=(2,), dtype=int32)
tf.Tensor([9], shape=(1,), dtype=int64)
 [4]], shape=(2, 1), dtype=int64)

EDITED to correct indices as pointed out in the comments.

The difference involves computational speed. If a large tensor has many, many zeroes, it's faster to perform computation by iterating through the non-zero elements. Therefore, you should store the data in a SparseTensor and use the special operations for SparseTensors.

The relationship is similar for matrices and sparse matrices. Sparse matrices are common in dynamic systems, and mathematicians have developed many special methods for operating on them.