What is the difference between "nofollow" and "noreferrer" link from SEO perspective?

The difference is that, in theory, rel="noreferrer" should not have any SEO impact, while nofollow clearly specifies that the link does not endorse in any way the target URL.

nofollow was invented by Google back in 2005 in order to fight comment spam in blogs, any URL appearing in the comment section would not pass PR to the target webpage.

rel="noreferrer" mainly affects analytics, how did this visit landed to this page? where comes it from? noreferrer specifies to hide that kind of information.

I said in theory because there is currently no official documentation that explicitly indicates using noreferrer would change anything in SEO terms, but it shouldn't.

"nofollow" is used by Google, to specify that the Google search spider should not follow that link "Noreferrer": Specifies that the browser should not send a HTTP referrer header if the user follows the hyperlink