What is the difference between Context menu vs Popup menu vs bottom sheet?

Bottom sheet is an Android component that present anchored views at the bottom of the screen. It became popular on Android 5, you can find more information in the Material Design documentation.

Popup menu is a dialog box linked to a concrete element in the UI, with it you can implement the Quick Actions UI pattern.

Option Menu Option Menus are the primary menus of android. They can be used for settings, search, delete item etc. we are inflating the menu by calling the inflate() method of MenuInflater class. To perform event handling on menu items, you need to override onOptionsItemSelected() method of Activity class.

Context Menu Android context menu appears when user press long click on the element. It is also known as floating menu.

Bottom sheets bottom sheet is a sheet of material that slides up from the bottom edge of the screen and presents a set of clear and simple actions

Please read this SO Answer difference-between-context-menu-and-option-menu-in-android

