What is the comparable interface called?

consider this user type:

type userType struct {
    frequency int
    value     rune

and suppose you want to add this types to your Linked List:
and It should be sorted by frequency first, then if the frequencies are the same, look at the char value. so the Compare function will be:

func (a userType) Compare(b userType) int {
    if a.frequency > b.frequency {
        return 1
    if a.frequency < b.frequency {
        return -1
    if a.value > b.value {
        return 1
    if a.value < b.value {
        return -1
    return 0

which satisfies this interface:

type Comparer interface {
    Compare(b userType) int

now add these {1,'d'} {2,'b'} {3,'c'} {4,'a'} {4,'b'} {4,'c'} types to LinkeList:
sample code:

package main

import (

type Comparer interface {
    Compare(b userType) int

type userType struct {
    frequency int
    value     rune

// it should sort by frequency first, then if the frequencies are the same, look at the char value.
func (a userType) Compare(b userType) int {
    if a.frequency > b.frequency {
        return 1
    if a.frequency < b.frequency {
        return -1
    if a.value > b.value {
        return 1
    if a.value < b.value {
        return -1
    return 0

func Insert(val userType, l *list.List) {
    e := l.Front()
    if e == nil {
    for ; e != nil; e = e.Next() {
        var ut userType = e.Value.(userType)
        if val.Compare(ut) < 0 {
            l.InsertBefore(val, e)

func main() {
    l := list.New()
    Insert(userType{4, 'c'}, l)
    Insert(userType{4, 'a'}, l)
    Insert(userType{4, 'b'}, l)
    Insert(userType{2, 'b'}, l)
    Insert(userType{3, 'c'}, l)
    Insert(userType{1, 'd'}, l)
    for e := l.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
        ut := e.Value.(userType)
        fmt.Printf("{%d,%q} ", ut.frequency, ut.value)

    var t interface{} = userType{4, 'c'}
    i, ok := t.(Comparer)
    fmt.Println(i, ok)

and output:

{1,'d'} {2,'b'} {3,'c'} {4,'a'} {4,'b'} {4,'c'} 
{4 99} true

so if you ready to use known type (e.g. int), see this sample:

package main

import (

func Insert(val int, l *list.List) {
    e := l.Front()
    if e == nil {
    for ; e != nil; e = e.Next() {
        v := e.Value.(int)
        if val < v {
            l.InsertBefore(val, e)

func main() {
    l := list.New()
    Insert(4, l)
    Insert(2, l)
    Insert(3, l)
    Insert(1, l)
    for e := l.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
        fmt.Print(e.Value, " ") // 1 2 3 4


There is no such interface in Go. You may write this Less function to compare your types:

func Less(a, b interface{}) bool {
    switch a.(type) {
    case int:
        if ai, ok := a.(int); ok {
            if bi, ok := b.(int); ok {
                return ai < bi
    case string:
        if ai, ok := a.(string); ok {
            if bi, ok := b.(string); ok {
                return ai < bi
    // ...
    return false

test sample code:

package main

import (

func Less(a, b interface{}) bool {
    switch a.(type) {
    case int:
        if ai, ok := a.(int); ok {
            if bi, ok := b.(int); ok {
                return ai < bi
    case string:
        if ai, ok := a.(string); ok {
            if bi, ok := b.(string); ok {
                return ai < bi
    return false

func Insert(val interface{}, l *list.List) *list.Element {
    e := l.Front()
    if e == nil {
        return l.PushFront(val)
    for ; e != nil; e = e.Next() {
        if Less(val, e.Value) {
            return l.InsertBefore(val, e)
    return l.PushBack(val)

func main() {
    l := list.New()

    Insert(4, l)
    Insert(2, l)
    Insert(3, l)
    Insert(1, l)
    for e := l.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
        fmt.Print(e.Value, " ")

    Insert("C", l)
    Insert("A", l)
    Insert("AB", l)
    Insert("C", l)
    Insert("C2", l)
    Insert("C1", l)

    for e := l.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
        fmt.Print(e.Value, " ")


1 2 3 4 
1 2 3 4 A AB C C C1 C2