What is the best way to listen for component resize events within an Angular2 component?

I ended up implementing a service that uses the element-resize-detector library (https://github.com/wnr/element-resize-detector). Couldn't find a TypeScript definition file but with a little help (Use element-resize-detector library in an Angular2 application), implemented the following:


declare function elementResizeDetectorMaker(options?: elementResizeDetectorMaker.ErdmOptions): elementResizeDetectorMaker.Erd;

declare namespace elementResizeDetectorMaker {
    interface ErdmOptions {
        strategy?: 'scroll' | 'object';

    interface Erd {
        listenTo(element: HTMLElement, callback: (elem: HTMLElement) => void);
        removeListener(element: HTMLElement, callback: (elem: HTMLElement) => void);
        removeAllListeners(element: HTMLElement);
        uninstall(element: HTMLElement);

export = elementResizeDetectorMaker;


import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import * as elementResizeDetectorMaker from 'element-resize-detector';

export class ResizeService {
  private resizeDetector: any;

  constructor() {
    this.resizeDetector = elementResizeDetectorMaker({ strategy: 'scroll' });

  addResizeEventListener(element: HTMLElement, handler: Function) {
    this.resizeDetector.listenTo(element, handler);

  removeResizeEventListener(element: HTMLElement) {


import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { ResizeService } from '../resize/index';

  selector: 'my-component',
  template: ``
export class MyComponent {
  constructor(private el: ElementRef, private resizeService: ResizeService) {

  ngOnInit() {
    this.resizeService.addResizeEventListener(this.el.nativeElement, (elem) => {
      // some resize event code...

  ngOnDestroy() {

This angular 7 library does a pretty good job: https://www.npmjs.com/package/angular-resize-event

<div (resized)="onResized($event)"></div>

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

// Import the resized event model
import { ResizedEvent } from 'angular-resize-event';

class MyComponent {
  width: number;
  height: number;

  onResized(event: ResizedEvent) {
    this.width = event.newWidth;
    this.height = event.newHeight;

I wrote this Angular2 directive to solve this.

You can install it by npm install bound-sensor. The advantage of using this method is it tells you once the size of parent of component changes and it doesn't depend on window resize! Imagine you need to expand and refresh your content base on size of its parent, this solves it easily.

