What is the best code template facility for Emacs?

The EmacsWiki has a page of template engines.

Of these, I've used tempo in the (distant) past to add table support to html-helper-mode, but don't know how it has progressed in the last 15 years.

TextMate's snippets is the most closest match but it is not a cross-platform solution and not for Emacs.

The second closest thing is YASnippet (screencast shows the main capabilities). But it interferes with hippie-expand package in my setup and the embedded language is EmacsLisp which I'm not comfortable with outside .emacs.

EDIT: Posted my answer here to allow voting on YASnippet.

Personally, I've been using Dmacro for years (ftp://ftp.sgi.com/other/dmacro/dmacro.tar.gz).

Here's a review of it that also mentions some alternatives: http://linuxgazette.net/issue39/marsden.html

I'd add my vote for tempo snippets ... easy to setup, powerful (you can run arbitrary elisp in your template - so that you can downcase things, lookup filenames & classes, count things, etc), set the indentation, integrate with abbrevs ... I use it a lot ;)