What is primary, function computation or function application?

We can use some of Mathematica's built-in tracing facilities to help us answer this question.

Let's start by ensuring that the symbols we are about to use carry no extraneous definitions:

ClearAll[f, g, x]

Now, we'll establish the definitions from the question:

g[x_] := x^2
f[x_] := Sqrt[g[x]]

We can turn on selective tracing of some functions to see what is going on:

On[f, g, Sqrt]

Now, let's evaluate f for several values (here only 3 instead of 100 to keep the output manageable):

Map[f, Range[3]]

trace output

This shows us that f and g are being evaluated from first principles for each value in the range.

Should we wish to evaluate f[x] only once, applying the resultant expression to each value, then we must do something like this:

Map[Function[{x}, Evaluate@f[x]],  Range[3]]

trace output

The expression defines an anonymous function of x, whose body is the result of evaluating f[x]. It is very important that x has no value at this point -- that is why we cleared it at the beginning. Having done that, we can now see that f and g were only evaluated for x instead of for every range value.

Incidentally, observe that f[x] ultimately evaluates to Sqrt[x^2] rather than x since Mathematica does not assume that x can only be a positive real number.

The syntax used in the preceding example can be abbreviated if we use so-called "slot" notation (#):

Map[Evaluate@f[#] &,  Range[3]]

trace output

Again, we can see that f and g are not evaluated for each range element. The slot reference #1 has taken the place of the named variable x from the previous example.

Once we have completed our analysis, and are tired of seeing all those trace messages, we can turn off tracing like this:


Note that you are using :=, also known by its FullForm name SetDelayed, to define your functions. According to the Documentation Center page for :=:

lhs := rhs assigns rhs to be the delayed value of lhs. rhs is maintained in an unevaluated form. When lhs appears, it is replaced by rhs, evaluated afresh each time.

This means that Sqrt[g[x]] is maintained in an unevaluated form, meaning that the latter case of your first question is how the calculation works internally; in other words, it does not conclude $f(x)=x$. More importantly, it doesn't even look at Sqrt[g[x]], except to store it as a definition.

As an additional example, consider the following:

h[x_] := Pause[1];

The definition proceeds instantly, which indicates that Mathematica doesn't even touch the definition. However, executing h[x] takes one second.

For your second question, in general it is not possible to conclude $\sqrt{x^2}=x$, unless $x$ is real and nonnegative. You can force it to use such an assumption as follows:

Refine[f[x], x > 0]

Like k_v also proposed Refine can be used.

ClearAll[f, g, h];
g[x_] := x^2;
f[x_] := Sqrt[g[x]];
h[x_] = Block[{x}, Refine[f[x], x > 0]];
Trace@Map[h, Range[100]]

h[x]===x returns True