What is "point free" style (in Functional Programming)?

Point-free style means that the arguments of the function being defined are not explicitly mentioned, that the function is defined through function composition.

If you have two functions, like

square :: a -> a
square x = x*x

inc :: a -> a
inc x = x+1

and if you want to combine these two functions to one that calculates x*x+1, you can define it "point-full" like this:

f :: a -> a
f x = inc (square x)

The point-free alternative would be not to talk about the argument x:

f :: a -> a
f = inc . square

Just look at the Wikipedia article to get your definition:

Tacit programming (point-free programming) is a programming paradigm in which a function definition does not include information regarding its arguments, using combinators and function composition [...] instead of variables.

Haskell example:

Conventional (you specify the arguments explicitly):

sum (x:xs) = x + (sum xs)
sum [] = 0

Point-free (sum doesn't have any explicit arguments - it's just a fold with + starting with 0):

 sum = foldr (+) 0

Or even simpler: Instead of g(x) = f(x), you could just write g = f.

So yes: It's closely related to currying (or operations like function composition).