What is correct HTTP status code when redirecting to a login page?

I'd say 303 see other 302 Found:

The requested resource resides temporarily under a different URI. Since the redirection might be altered on occasion, the client SHOULD continue to use the Request-URI for future requests. This response is only cacheable if indicated by a Cache-Control or Expires header field.

fits a login page most closely in my opinion. I initially considered 303 see other which would work just as well. After some thought, I'd say 302 Found is more fitting because the requested resource was found, there just is another page to go through before it can be accessed. The response doesn't get cached by default which is fine as well.

This is a misuse of HTTP redirection mechanism. If user is not authorized then your app must return 401 Unauthorized. In case that the user is authorized but does not have an access to the requested resource then 403 Forbidden must be returned.

You should do the redirect on client side, e.g. by javascript. status code for redirection because required authorization does not exist. Using 30x for this does not conform to HTTP.

How to Think About HTTP Status Codes by Mark Nottingham

401 Unauthorized triggers HTTP’s request authentication mechanism.

401 Unauthorized status code requires presence of WWW-Authenticate header that supports various authentication types:

WWW-Authenticate: <type> realm=<realm>

Bearer, OAuth, Basic, Digest, Cookie, etc

I think the appropriate solution is the HTTP 401 (Not Authorized) header.


The purpose of this header is exactly this. But, instead of redirecting to a login page, the correct process would be something like:

  • User not logged try to access a login-restricted page.
  • system identifies user is not logged
  • system returns HTTP 401 header, AND display the login form in the same response (not a redirect).

This is a good practice, like providing a useful 404 page, with sitemap links, and a search form for example.

See you.