What html markups to use for displaying label/value data?

I think the most semantically correct would be <dl>, <dt> and <dd>, since what you're displaying are effectively definitions of first name, age and e-mail.

  <dt>First Name</dt>
  <dd>[email protected]</dd>

However, obviously, the easiest way to display it in a table is using <table>, <th> and <td>. You could hack together a table-layout using definition lists using something like this:

dt { float: left; clear: left; width: 6em; font-weight: bold; }
dd { float: left; }
  <dt>First Name</dt>
  <dd>[email protected]</dd>

More info on the <dl> tag available here.

Wow. We really have scared everyone off with the “Table layouts are evil! Use CSS!” stuff, haven't we?

A table — with <th> for the labels and <td> for the values — is perfectly applicable to this kind of content, gives you the rendering you want, and is at least as semantically correct as a definition list, arguably more so. Either are preferable to semantics-free divs.