What fonts are compatible with T2A (Cyrillic) encoding?


locate /t2a | grep 'texlive/2012/texmf-dist/tex/latex/.*\.fd$'

outputs, on my updated TeX Live


With /T2A (which is an alternative), nothing is found.

  1. antt refers to Antikwa Toruńska (texdoc antt)
  2. fca refers to Cantarell (texdoc cantarell)
  3. afc refers to something I can't find information about
  4. fco refers to Comfortaa (texdoc comfortaa)
  5. the cyrillic bundle consists of fonts based on the design of Computer Modern (the one used also if the main font family is Latin Modern)
  6. afd refers to Droid (texdoc droid)
  7. iwona refers to Iwona (texdoc iwona)
  8. kurier refers to Kurier (texdoc kurier)
  9. fos refers to Open Sans (texdoc opensans)

Update (October 2014)

Other fonts have appeared since the last listing:

  • gentium-tug: \usepackage{gentium}
  • Heuristica: \usepackage{Heuristica}
  • Erewhon: \usepackage{erewhon}

They have .fd files for T2A, T2B and T2C. The coverage for the last two is not complete, while Gentium seems to fully cover the three encodings.

Update (June 2017)

There are new packages for Cyrillic:

  • Tempora (based on Times New Roman): \usepackage{tempora}
  • XCharter: \usepackage{XCharter}

Update February 2018

With a current TeX Live, the command locate '.fd' | grep '2017.*/[tT]2[aA]' produces


Notable additions are PTSans, PTSerif, Linux Libertine, XCharter, Cochineal, DejaVu (Serif and Sans), Lato and Nimbus (Serif, Sans and Mono).

Cyrillic fonts for legacy LaTeX engines come with TeXLive and MiKTeX in LH (Metafont) and cm-super (PostScript) bundles. MiKTeX installs LH fonts automatically on-demand, but you need to install cm-super manually. Once installed, cm-super fonts are loaded automatically when you produce either PS of PDF document, you don't need to call any package.

Most Metafont and PostSript font bundles (garamond, helvetica, palatino, e.t.c.) do not have Cyrillic letters.

Most OpenType fonts nowadays have Cyrillic letters. When using XeTeX or LuaTeX, you can try first cm-unicode fonts which come with TeXLive and MiKTeX.