What does the monopole/quadrupole moment of the Earth signify?

A monopole (gravitational) of a system is basically the amount of mass-energy the system has.

A dipole is a measure of how the mass is distributed away from some center.

The quadrupole moment describes how stretched out the mass distribution is along an axis. Quadrupole would be zero for a sphere, but non-zero for a rod, for instance. It is also non-zero for the Earth, because the Earth is an oblate spheroid.

The gravitational contribution from a quadrupole falls of faster than that of a monopole. (which is why the Earth's quadrupole moment is important for studying satellites and not really for studying the moon, owing to the $r^{-3}$ dependency of the contribution to the potential)

Quadrupoles and other higher order moments are important in GR because the change in their distribution can produce gravitational waves.


Let's consider two cases, in both the cases, the large bodies are of mass $M$ and the small one of mass $m$, and the small one is on the line of symmetry at a distance $r$.

Case 1: No quadrupole moment. enter image description here

The force here is a simple: $$\frac{GMm}{r^2}$$.

Case 2: Non-zero quadrupole moment. (the larger spheres are separated by some distance $2R$.)enter image description here

The force in this case is: $$\frac{2GMmr}{(r^2+R^2)^{3/2}}$$

This, for large $r$, can be approximated to (two term series expansion): $$F \sim \frac{2GMm}{r^2}-\frac{3GMmR^2}{r^4}$$

The weird term here is because of the quadrupole moment of the system. As you go further away ($r>>R$), the force, $F$ is more or less: $$F \sim \frac{2GMm}{r^2}$$

This is why the "quadrupole moment effect" falls off with distance.

Apologies for the obnoxious MS Paint diagrams.

Imagine having a mass distribution $\rho(x,y,z)$ around the origin O and we want to calculate the potential energy and force at a certain point P on the z-axis. The potential energy can easily expressed by the integral: $$U=-GM\int_{V}\frac{\rho(x,y,z)}{R}dv$$ However this intgral might be difficult to calculate and it's often easier to express the integrand by a series, this is called multipole expansion and can be done for both the gravitational force as the electrostatic force.

Because of the law of cosines, we express R in function of $\theta$, $r'$ and r: $R^2 = r^2 +r'^2 - 2rr'\cos(\theta)$, now we can simplify this integral by using this indentity and a Taylor series: $$\frac{1}{R} = \frac{1}{r}\frac{1}{\sqrt{1+\alpha}} = \frac{1}{r}\left(1-\frac{1}{2}\alpha+\frac{3}{8}\alpha^2-...\right)$$ where $\alpha=\left(\frac{r'}{r}\right)^2-\frac{2r'}{r}\cos(\theta)$

The potential energy now becomes: $$U=\frac{-GM}{r}\int_{V}\rho dv+\frac{-GM}{r^2}\int_{V}r'\cos(\theta)\rho dv+\frac{-GM}{r^3}\int_{V}r'^2\frac{3\cos^2(\theta)-1}{2}\rho dv +...$$ As you can see, in every term the the power of r becomes smaller and smaller. Often we rewrite this expression as: $$U=-GM\left(\frac{C_0}{r}+\frac{C_1}{r^2}+\frac{C^2}{r^3}...\right)$$ Where $C_0$ is the monopole moment, $C_1$ the dipole moment,$C_2$ the quadrupole moment and so on. These can be easily interpreted for wich I refer to @Hritik Narayan.
