What does "<>" mean in Oracle

Does not equal. The opposite of =, equivalent to !=.

Also, for everyone's info, this can return a non-zero number of rows. I see the OP has reformatted his question so it's a bit clearer, but as far as I can tell, this finds records where product ID is among those found in order #605, as is quantity, but it's not actually order #605. If order #605 contains 1 apple, 2 bananas and 3 crayons, #604 should match if it contains 2 apples (but not 3 dogs). It just won't match order #605. (And if ordid is unique, then it would find exact duplicates.)

It means 'not equal to'. So you're filtering out records where ordid is 605. Overall you're looking for any records which have the same prodid and qty values as those assigned to ordid 605, but which are for a different order.

It just means "different of", some languages uses !=, others (like SQL) <>

not equals. See here for a list of conditions


