What does $\Lsh$ mean?

This picture was introduced with the version of 16:08, 10 June 2016‎‎ with the comment "Replacing the typed formulae with the picture formulae". This replacement went wrong.

The previous version of 07:45, 11 April 2016‎ still uses the string

γ = Cp/ Cv

The link heat ratio in the text refernces a page with the picture

enter image description here

So the correct formula seems to be


I therefore changed this in the Wikipedia article, Version of 00:00, 20 April 2017‎

Typographical / transcription error? Follow the link to "Heat capacity ratio" and you see the formula $$\gamma=\frac{C_P}{C_V}.$$ That weird \Lsh symbol looks vaguely like the TeX gamma. And so does $Y$.

