What causes high CPU usage by mount.ntfs?

Changing the mount options for the NTFS partition changed the application I was using from unusable with 100% mount.ntfs CPU to fully functional. The key one to use is "big_writes", but my full list is:


You'd use it like this:

mount -t ntfs -o windows_names,norecover,big_writes,streams_interface=windows,inherit /dev/disk/by-uuid/DISKUUID /mountpoint

The full list of options and what they mean on the Ubuntu manpage for ntfs-3g: https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/eoan/man8/ntfs-3g.8.html

You must add line to /etc/fstab for automounting the ntfs partition

/dev/sda6   /media/user/DATA1   ntfs    defaults,nls=utf-8,umask=007,gid=46   0   0

See more details about automount ntfs in:
How to automount NTFS partitions?