Chemistry - What can cause artesian well water to smell?

As mentioned in the comments, water is often treated by ozonation in order to sterilize it and ensure it can be drank with no ill effects. Ozone is a very reactive gaseous allotrope of oxygen, produced in situ by exposure of atmospheric oxygen to UV-B light (in fact this happens naturally in the stratosphere, generating a thin ozone blanket covering the world). Ozone can be produced artificially by using a mercury lamp, which emits large amounts of UV light. The water is then brought into contact with the ozone in order to be purified.

When water is collected after being ozonated, typically a small amount of ozone is still dissolved in the water. If the water is allowed to rest for a few minutes after being collected, the residual dissolved ozone diffuses out. Ozone has a very strong, characteristically sharp odour, which can be detected even at very low concentrations. This is likely why the asker's water had an odd smell. Ozone is toxic, though, so exposure should be avoided.

