What are the LaTeX codes for clockwise and counter-clockwise integrals (∱ and ⨑)?

With the MnSymbol package, you could use the following symbols:






enter image description here

(other package might know these symbols as \ointclockwise and \ointctrclockwise)

If you only want half a circle, you can use the mathdesign package:






enter image description here

   $ \csname#1\endcsname \displaystyle\csname#1\endcsname $ & \texttt{\textbackslash#1} &}

\CMD{int}   \CMD{iint}     \CMD{iiintop} \\
\CMD{iiiintop}\CMD{dotsintop}\CMD{ointop}  \\
\CMD{oiint}   \CMD{sqint}    \CMD{sqiint} \\
\CMD{ointctrclockwise} \CMD{ointclockwise} \CMD{varointclockwise} \\
\CMD{varointctrclockwise} \CMD{fint} \CMD{varoiint}\\
\CMD{landupint} \CMD{landdownint}

enter image description here

Although some of the symbols in esint come very close, I don't believe there is any package (for pdfLaTeX) that provides a version of this symbol compatible with the computer modern maths font.

The following is a (very simple) adaption of this answer by Heiko Oberdiek. It can be used to superimpose any symbol on top of an integral sign.


\usepackage{graphicx} %% <- for \resizebox and \rotatebox
\usepackage{amssymb} %% <- for \curverightarrow, \curveleftarrow

\makeatletter %% <- make @ usable in macro names

\let\DOTSI\relax % amsmath support for \dots
  \mkern-\thinmuskip % thin space is inserted between two \mathop
  \dimen@=\wd0 %
    \dimen@=\wd2 %
  \rlap{\hbox to \dimen@{\hfil
  \ifdim\dimen@>\wd0 %

%% Define arrow curving downwards:

\makeatother %% <- revert @



  \displaystyle      \intcw_a^b f \dots \intccw_a^b f \qquad
  \textstyle         \intcw_a^b f \dots \intccw_a^b f \qquad
  \scriptstyle       \intcw_a^b f \dots \intccw_a^b f \qquad
  \scriptscriptstyle \intcw_a^b f \dots \intccw_a^b f



The \scriptscriptstyle version does not look good, but you probably won't want to use this symbol at that scale.