What are some tricks I can use with macros?

Coolest macro is: assert, include guards, __FILE__, __LINE__.
Avoid using other macro in your code.

Use macros only when you don't have legal solution w/o them.

In C, it's common to define macros that do some stuff getting the verbatim argument, and at the same time define functions to be able to get the address of it transparently.

// could evaluate at compile time if __builtin_sin gets
// special treatment by the compiler
#define sin(x) __builtin_sin(x)

// parentheses avoid substitution by the macro
double (sin)(double arg) {
    return sin(arg); // uses the macro

int main() {
    // uses the macro
    printf("%f\n", sin(3.14));

    // uses the function
    double (*x)(double) = &sin;

    // uses the function
    printf("%f\n", (sin)(3.14));

SHOW() for debugging:

#define SHOW(X) cout << # X " = " << (X) << endl

The double-evaluation to expand the arguments trick: (E.g. Use the actual line number and not "__LINE__".)

    /* Use CONCATENATE_AGAIN to expand the arguments to CONCATENATE */
#define CONCATENATE(      x,y)  CONCATENATE_AGAIN(x,y)
#define CONCATENATE_AGAIN(x,y)  x ## y

Static compile-time assertions.

#define CONCATENATE_4(      a,b,c,d)  CONCATENATE_4_AGAIN(a,b,c,d)
#define CONCATENATE_4_AGAIN(a,b,c,d)  a ## b ## c ## d

    /* Creates a typedef that's legal/illegal depending on EXPRESSION.       *
     * Note that IDENTIFIER_TEXT is limited to "[a-zA-Z0-9_]*".              *
     * (This may be replaced by static_assert() in future revisions of C++.) */
#define STATIC_ASSERT( EXPRESSION, IDENTIFIER_TEXT)                     \
  typedef char CONCATENATE_4( static_assert____,      IDENTIFIER_TEXT,  \
                              ____failed_at_line____, __LINE__ )        \
            [ (EXPRESSION) ? 1 : -1 ]

Used via:

typedef  int32_t  int4;

STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof(int4) == 4, sizeof_int4_equal_4 );

Initializing an instance of class CodeLocation: (Storing File/Line/Function from the point of invocation -- this can *ONLY* be done with a macro or by directly accessing the __FILE__/__LINE__/etc macros at the source point.)

        /* Note:  Windows may have __FUNCTION__.  C99 defines __func__. */
           CodeLocation( __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__ )

Subsequently used by MESSAGE/WARN/FAIL macros as a convenient source-location printing mechanism. For example:

#define WARN_IF_NAN(X)                                      \
  do                                                        \
  {                                                         \
    if ( isnan(X) != 0 )                                    \
      WARN( # X " is NaN (Floating Point NOT-A-NUMBER)" );  \
    if ( isinf(X) != 0 )                                    \
      WARN( # X " is INF (Floating Point INFINITY)" );      \
  } while ( false )

Assert/Unless macros. You can pass any token, including operators like '==', through a macro. So constructs like:

ASSERT( foo, ==, bar )


UNLESS( foo, >=, 0, value=0; return false; );

Are legal. Assert/Unless macros can automatically add all sorts the nice useful info like CodeLocation, stack traces, or throwing exceptions / coredumping / exiting gracefully.

Making errno simplier:

#define ERRNO_FORMAT  "errno= %d (\"%s\")"
#define ERRNO_ARGS    errno, strerror(errno)
#define ERRNO_STREAM  "errno= " << errno << " (\"" << strerror(errno) << "\") "

E.g. printf( "Open failed. " ERRNO_FORMAT, ERRNO_ARGS );

There is also the X Macro idiom which can be useful for DRY and simple code generation :

One defines in a header gen.x a kind of table using a not yet defined macro :

/** 1st arg is type , 2nd is field name , 3rd is initial value , 4th is help */
GENX( int , "y" , 1 , "number of ..." );
GENX( float , "z" , 6.3 , "this value sets ..." );
GENX( std::string , "name" , "myname" , "name of ..." );

Then he can use it in different places defining it for each #include with a usually different definition :

class X
public :

     void setDefaults()
#define GENX( type , member , value , help )\
         member = value ;
#include "gen.x"
#undef GENX

     void help( std::ostream & o )
#define GENX( type , member , value , help )\
          o << #member << " : " << help << '\n' ;
#include "gen.x"
#undef GENX

private :

#define GENX( type , member , value , help )\
     type member ;
#include "gen.x"
#undef GENX