What are some good ways to earn cash?

If you're like me and completely suck at the tavern games...

Hunting and selling pelts can be quite profitable, though a bit time-consuming. I like hunting wolves - they travel in packs and can be killed instantly with the hidden blade (unlike bears which take 3 hits) for a pelt in perfect condition. Beaver pelts are good as well. Beavers are slow and easy to track, and their pelts sell for boatloads.

I'm only on sequence 6 so far, and I'm also making decent cash from opening chests around the world, though I suspect this source will dry up shortly. :)

Haven't done much crafting yet since I need to gather more resources and artisans, but it doesn't seem like an efficient money-maker, since making the same item increases its cost for a while.

Sending your assassin recruits on missions is another source of income. It's not very quick, but it's pretty hands-off and passive.

Go to the Homestead, buy as many bear pelts as you can. You can sell them on convoys and you''ll make a great profit. You should get more and more if you send multiple convoys at once.

Buy bear pelt for £240 then sell it by naval convoy to saint Augustine for £1258 profit per pelt.The only downside is it takes 32 minutes but with 1 maxed out convoy you can sell 15 bear pelts for £19k