WebSocket in Android WebView

Android webview doesn't accommodate WebSocket. So you need to implement with some WebSocket library.

jWebSocket http://jwebsocket.org/

weberknecht http://code.google.com/p/weberknecht/

I created a sample project which adds the WebSocket object to the WebView for phonegap. You can find it here: https://github.com/pusher/pusher-phonegap-android

I put up a video going over the project here: http://blog.pusher.com/2012/7/5/pusher-on-phonegap-for-android

I used this project to demonstrate how to use PhoneGap with Pusher on Android but ultimately it's just a project that happens to include the Pusher script tag. You could easily use another library that needs the WebSocket object or just use it directly.

It uses the websocket-android-phonegap library: https://github.com/anismiles/websocket-android-phonegap