Webpack Express Cannot Resolve Module 'fs', Request Dependency is Expression

I solved this problem by two steps:

  1. Delete node_modules directory

  2. Add target:'node' into webpack config file

Then run npm install. It worked for me fine.

Just posting an answer, since not everyone reads comments on SO. @Aurora0001 nailed it. Webpack's config needs to have this set:

"target": "node"

I am on a stack Angular 2 - Electron - Webpack and I needed to use fs into my service, I finally found how to do :

1) inside your webpack.common.js, specify target:'electron-renderer'

2) inside your service or component : import * as fs from 'fs'; and use fs as would do for a node project.

Hope it help !

I added node: { fs: 'empty' } without luck,

then I added --config to start command:

webpack-dev-sever webpack.config.dev.js

Use --config flag to use the custom file.

webpack-dev-sever --config webpack.config.dev.js