WEB-INF folder is not creating in Spring Boot application?

Usually the web files will go into the resources folder with spring boot. https://spring.io/guides/gs/serving-web-content/

Dumping the jsp files in src/main/webapp folder worked for me, both with or without WEB-INF. I followed the exact project structure mentioned in

  1. mkyong.com
  2. springboottutorial

We need to crate WEB-INF folder manually in spring boot application. Follow below steps to create WEB-INF folder

  1. Select main folder as highlighted below.

    enter image description here

  2. Right click and create a folder with name webapp.
  3. Now right click on webapp folder and create WEB-INF folder.
  4. Now similarly create a view folder (or any other name you like) inside WEB-INF folder to keep all the JSPs.
  5. Below should be the folder structure after doing above steps.

    enter image description here