Web Audio API: How to play a stream of MP3 chunks

I see at least 2 possible approaches.

  1. Setting up a scriptProcessorNode, which will feed queue of received & decoded data to realtime flow of web-audio.

  2. Exploiting the property of audioBufferSource.loop - updating audioBuffer’s content depending on the audio time.

Both approaches are implemented in https://github.com/audio-lab/web-audio-stream. You can technically use that to feed received data to web-audio.

Currently, decodeAudioData() requires complete files and cannot provide chunk-based decoding on incomplete files. The next version of the Web Audio API should provide this feature: https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/337

Meanwhile, I've began writing examples for decoding audio in chunks until the new API version is available.


No, you can't reuse an AudioBufferSourceNode, and you cant push onto an AudioBuffer. Their lengths are immutable.

This article (http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/audio/scheduling/) has some good information about scheduling with the Web Audio API. But you're on the right track.