Web API Queryable - how to apply AutoMapper?

There is a better solution. Try this:

public virtual IQueryable<PersonDto> Get(ODataQueryOptions<Person> query)
    var people = query.ApplyTo(uow.Person().GetAll());
    return ConvertToDtos(people);

This will make sure the query runs on Person instead of PersonDTO. If you want the conversion to happen through an attribute instead of in code, you'll still want to implement an action filter similar to what you put up.

IMHO the accepted solution is not correct. Generally speaking, if your service is using DTOs, you don't want to expose the underlying Entities (Person) to the service. Why would you query against the Person model and return PersonDTO objects?

Since you're already using it, Automapper has Queryable Extensions which allows you to expose only your DTOs and have the filtering applied to the underlying type at the data source. For example:

public IQueryable<PersonDto> Get(ODataQueryOptions<PersonDto> options) {
    Mapper.CreateMap<Person, PersonDto>();
    var persons = _personRepository.GetPersonsAsQueryable();
    var personsDTOs = persons.Project().To<PersonDto>();  // magic happens here...

    return options.ApplyTo(personsDTOs);

Regarding eagerly loading navigation properties...

@philreed: I couldn't put a decent response in the comment so I added it here. There was a post on how to do this here but I'm getting 403s today. Hopefully that's temporary.

Basically, you examine the Select and Expand clauses for your navigation property. If it is present, then you tell EF to eagerly load via IQueryable<T> Include extension method.


public IQueryable<MyDto> GetMyDtos(ODataQueryOptions<MyDto> options)
  var eagerlyLoad = options.IsNavigationPropertyExpected(t => t.MyNavProperty);
  var queryable = _myDtoService.GetMyDtos(eagerlyLoad);

  // _myDtoService will eagerly load to prevent select N+1 problems
  // return (eagerlyLoad) ? efResults.Include(t => t.MyNavProperty) : efResults;

  return queryable;

Extension method

public static class ODataQueryOptionsExtensions
  public static bool IsNavigationPropertyExpected<TSource, TKey>(this ODataQueryOptions<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>> keySelector)
    if (source == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("source"); }
    if (keySelector == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("keySelector"); }

    var returnValue = false;
    var propertyName = (keySelector.Body as MemberExpression ?? ((UnaryExpression)keySelector.Body).Operand as MemberExpression).Member.Name;
    var expandProperties = source.SelectExpand == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(source.SelectExpand.RawExpand) ? new List<string>().ToArray() : source.SelectExpand.RawExpand.Split(',');
    var selectProperties = source.SelectExpand == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(source.SelectExpand.RawSelect) ? new List<string>().ToArray() : source.SelectExpand.RawSelect.Split(',');

    returnValue = returnValue ^ expandProperties.Contains<string>(propertyName);
    returnValue = returnValue ^ selectProperties.Contains<string>(propertyName);

    return returnValue;

Use the AutoMapper's Queryable Extensions.

First, define the mapping.

// Old AutoMapper API
// Mapper.CreateMap<Person, PersonDto>();

// Current AutoMapper API
Mapper.Initialize(cfg => 
   cfg.CreateMap<Person, PersonDto>()

Then you can use something like this:

public IQueryable<PersonDto> Get() {
    // Old AutoMapper API
    // return this.dbContext.Persons.Project().To<PersonDto>();

    // New AutoMapper API
    return this.dbContext.Persons.ProjectTo<PersonDto>();

Edit 04/2019: Updated to reflect current AutoMapper API.