Weak lower semicontinuity of functional with two arguments

First note that $f(u)\|\nabla v\|^2 = \|\sqrt{f(u)}v\|^2$. Therefore your integral is $J(u,v)=\|\sqrt{f(u)}v\|_{L^2}^2$. Now it is known that $x_n \xrightarrow[weak]{X} x \implies \liminf \|x_n\|_X \geq \|x\|_X$ holds in every Hilbert space $X$.

Therefore we aim to prove $\Phi: H^1\times H^1 \to L^2, (u,v) \mapsto g(u)\nabla v$ is (sequentially) continuous from the weak to the weak topology whenever $g:\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}$ is continuous and bounded. In fact we break it down into three steps:

  1. $\Psi: H^1 \to Hom(L^2,L^2), \Psi_u(v):=g(u)v$ is continuous from the weak topology to the strong operator topology (aka topology of pointwise convergence)

  2. $im(\Psi)$ is an equicontinuous sets of self-adjoint operators.

  3. The evaluation map $Hom(L^2,L^2) \times L^2 \to L^2$ -- at least when restricted to subsets of the form $E\times L^2$ with $E$ equicontinuous and self-adjoint -- is continuous w.r.t. the strong operator topology on $Hom(L^2,L^2)$ and the weak topology on (both) $L^2$.

The map $\Phi$ is then the composition $$H^1\times H^1 \xrightarrow{\Psi\times id} Hom(L^2,L^2)\times H^1 \xrightarrow{id\times\nabla} Hom(L^2,L^2)\times L^2 \xrightarrow{eval} L^2$$ and therefore continuous in the way we want it to be.

Alright, let's get started.

  1. Let $u_n \xrightarrow[weak]{H^1} u$ be arbitrary. We use that $H^1$ is compactly embedded in $L^2$ so that $u_n \xrightarrow{L^2} u$. Now we can extract an a.e. convergent subsequence $u_{n_k}$ of $u_n$. Because $g$ is continuous, $g(u_{n_k})\to g(u)$ a.e. as well. If $v\in L^2$ is fixed, then $\|\Psi_{u_{n_k}}(v)-\Psi_u(v)\|_{L^2}^2 = \int_\Omega (g(u_{n_k})-g(u))^2 v^2 \to 0$ by dominated convergence. We have in fact shown: Every subsequence of $\Psi_{u_n}$ contains a subsubsequence which converges to $\Psi_u$. Therefore $\Psi_{u_n}$ converges to $\Psi_u$.

  2. Follows directly from $\|\Phi_u\|_{op} = \|g(u)\|_\infty \leq \|g\|_\infty$ and $im(g)\subseteq\mathbb{R}$.

  3. Can be seen as follows: If $\Phi_n \xrightarrow{s.o.t} \Phi$ are self-adjoint, $v_n \xrightarrow{weak L^2} v$ and $w\in L^2$ are arbitrary, then $$\Phi_n(v_n)-\Phi(v) = (\Phi_n(v_n)-\Phi_n(v)) + (\Phi_n(v)-\Phi(v))$$ The second summand goes to zero because $\Phi_n\to\Phi$ in the strong operator topology. The first summand weakly goes to zero because $$\langle \Phi_n(v_n-v),w\rangle = \langle v_n-v,\Phi_n^\ast(w)\rangle = \langle v_n-v,\Phi^\ast(w)\rangle + \langle v_n-v,(\Phi_n-\Phi)^\ast(w)\rangle = \langle v_n-v,\Phi(w)\rangle + \langle v_n-v,(\Phi_n-\Phi)(w)\rangle$$ The first summand here goes to zero because $v_n\to v$ in the weak topology. The second summand goes to zero because $v_n-v$ is bounded and $\Phi_n(w) \to \Phi(w)$ in norm.