WCF and Python

WCF needs to expose functionality through a communication protocol. I think the most commonly used protocol is probably SOAP over HTTP. Let's assume that's what you're using then.

Take a look at this chapter in Dive Into Python. It will show you how to make SOAP calls.

I know of no unified way of calling a WCF service in Python, regardless of communication protocol.

I used suds.

from suds.client import Client

print "Connecting to Service..."
wsdl = "http://serviceurl.com/service.svc?WSDL"
client = Client(wsdl)
result = client.service.Method(variable1, variable2)
print result

That should get you started. I'm able to connect to exposed services from WCF and a RESTful layer. There needs to be some data massaging to help do what you need, especially if you need to bind to several namespaces.

TL;DR: For wsHttpBinding (SOAP 1.2) use zeep

In case someone is having trouble using suds (or suds-jurko for that matter) with WCF and wsHttpBinding (which is SOAP 1.2):

  • suds is pretty much dead (can't even pip install it on python 3)
  • suds-jurko seems kind-of dead. The 0.6 release has a very annoying infinite recursion bug (at least on the WSDL exposed by our service) which is fixed in the tip but that's not released and it's been 1.5years (at time of this writing in Feb'17) since the last commit.
    It works on python 3 but doesn't support SOAP 1.2. Sovetnikov's answer is an attempt to get it working with 1.2 but I haven't managed to make it work for me.
  • zeep seems to be the current way to go and worked out of the box (I'm not affiliated with zeep, it just works for me and I spent several hours banging my head against a brick wall trying to make suds work). For zeep to work, the WCF service host configuration must include <security mode="None"/> under the wsHttpBinding node Actually zeep seems to support username and signature (x509) based WS-SE but I haven't tried that so can't speak to any problems around it.


