Ways to get multiple Kel'Thuzad

All possibilities of getting additional Kel'thuzads in addition to the one that can be put into the deck normally:

  1. Faceless Manipulator
  2. Sneed's Old Shredder (1/62 chance of KT)
  3. Recombobulator on an 8-Drop minion (1/10 chance of KT)
  4. Echo of Medivh
  5. Unstable Portal (Incredibly low, but non-zero chance of KT)
  6. Duplicate
  7. Reincarnate (New KT resummons old KT at end of turn.)
  8. Ancestral Spirit (New KT resummons old KT at end of turn.)
  9. Redemption (New KT resummons old KT at end of turn.)
  10. Resurrect KT on the same turn he died (New KT resummons old KT at end of turn)

In addition to the above methods controllable by your own deck, mind control effects can steal your opponent's KT if they happen to be running one.

  • Faceless Manipulator
  • Echo of Medivh
  • Reincarnate (resummons a second KT after the end of your turn)
  • Ancestral Spirit together with Reincarnate (and optionally Baron Rivendare)

The Shaman spell Reincarnate is probably the most useful of these as it costs only 2 mana and could be played on the same turn.

