Way to compare range of commits in pull request on Github?

Github has added a way to manually select any range of commits in a pull request. See the screenshot:

range of commits feature

If you need to scroll down to choose more than the viewable commits - it won't work. You can change the css hight of the element

enter image description here

Github support responded with:

You can use the compare view for that:


You can construct the compare URL manually as well, e.g.


The most convenient way I found is:

  1. Open PR conversation
  2. Find the last commit that have already been reviewed and click its hash link, your URL will look like https://github.com/airbnb/javascript/pull/188/commits/2b6c524e6984f300f6c6e08e57c8dbab9497e798
  3. Change commits to files and add ..HEAD to the end of URL such as https://github.com/airbnb/javascript/pull/188/files/2b6c524e6984f300f6c6e08e57c8dbab9497e798..HEAD

You'll see commits range you want to review in context of the PR.

P.S. Now GitHub provides functionality to view "Changes since your previous code review" but sometimes it is useful to select changes manually

