watermark on first page in left margin (like arXiv)

I suspect that arxiv adds the watermark in postprocessing.

Obligatory TikZ solution:


\tikz[overlay,remember picture]
    \node at ($(current page.west)+(1.5,0)$) [rotate=90] {\Huge\textcolor{gray}{\today}};


You could add that snippet for example to the \chapter command.

You can use the background package to achieve this. The package uses the TikZ positiong system to position an image either on one page or on all the pages (great also if you just need draft to be printed on one or all the pages of a publication).

It uses any valid TikZ positioning command for example:

\SetBgPosition{current page.north}

I found an answer of my own that someone emailed me:

       {\Large \textsf{Draft of \today}}}}

I don't understand why this works though... For completeness, I'll add it to the collection.