Watch /tmp for file creation and prevent deletion of files?

chattr +a /tmp/*some folder* will set the folder to be append-only. Files can be created and written to but not deleted. Use chattr -a /tmp/*some folder* when you're done.

You can use the inotifywait command from inotify-tools in a script to create hard links of files created in /tmp/some_folder. For example, hard link all created files from /tmp/some_folder to /tmp/some_folder_bak:



mkdir -p $CLONE_DIR

inotifywait -mr --format='%w%f' -e create $ORIG_DIR | while read file; do
  echo $file
  DIR=`dirname "$file"`
  mkdir -p "${CLONE_DIR}/${DIR#$ORIG_DIR/}"
  cp -rl "$file" "${CLONE_DIR}/${file#$ORIG_DIR/}"

Since they are hard links, they should be updated when the program modifies them but not deleted when the program removes them. You can delete the hard linked clones normally.

Note that this approach is nowhere near atomic so you rely on this script to create the hard links before the program can delete the newly created file.

If you want to clone all changes to /tmp, you can use a more distributed version of the script:


mkdir -p $CLONE_DIR

wait_dir() {
  inotifywait -mr --format='%w%f' -e create "$1" 2>/dev/null | while read file; do
    echo $file
    DIR=`dirname "$file"`
    mkdir -p "${CLONE_DIR}/${DIR#$TMP_DIR/}"
    cp -rl "$file" "${CLONE_DIR}/${file#$TMP_DIR/}"

trap "trap - TERM && kill -- -$$" INT TERM EXIT

inotifywait -m --format='%w%f' -e create "$TMP_DIR" | while read file; do
  if ! [ -d "$file" ]; then

  echo "setting up wait for $file"
  wait_dir "$file" &