warning TS0: the type annotation on @param is redundant with its TypeScript type, remove the {...} part

The solution was to remove the {} from the comments and the error no longer is throw to:

 * @param domElement The dom element. Ex: document
 * @param eventType The event type. Ex."focus" 
 * @param domElementType The dom element type. Ex. "input"
 * @param author The handler function. Ex. (focus) => console.log(focus)

It seams that you don't need to specify the type of the field on TypeScript on JsDoc (I found out that information in here).

This happens because the JsDocs interprets the code and know already which type you declare on the parameters of your functions, so, you no longer need to declare them on the comments.

There is configuration flag available to ignore these annotation warnings in tsconfig.json file. I set below flag to false and it stopped spitting these warnings.

"angularCompilerOptions": {
  "annotateForClosureCompiler": false