Waiting in QUnit tests

using the QUnit assert object you can do

test("async test", function (assert) {
    var done = assert.async();
    setTimeout(function() {
        }, 20000);


Your test should look something like this.

test('asynchronous test', function() {
    stop(); // Pause the test 
    //Add your wait
    setTimeout(function() {
       //Make assertion 
       // After the assertion called, restart the test
    }, 1000);

UPD: In QUnit 2.x functions start() and stop() are gone. It is recommended to use assert.async() instead. Updated code looks like:

    test('asynchronous test', function() {
        var done = assert.async();
        //Add your wait
        setTimeout(function() {
           //Make you assertion 
           // Tell QUnit to wait for the done() call inside the timeout.
        }, 1000);

You could use the promise function to fire a callback once all animations for an element are finished. This implies that you need to know on what elements the animations are run on in the test (but you don't need to know how long the animation is).

  • Example here: http://jsfiddle.net/4RqaA/1/
  • Doc here: http://api.jquery.com/promise/