Waiting for the XDebug Session 57% in Eclipse PDT

I was struggling to setup xdebug and eclipse for an age.

I use ubuntu 12.04 on a 32bit system. To setup the latest version of eclipse (juno) and the lamp tech stack i can strongly recommend this tutorial. There's a very good guide for setting up virtual hosts, too - script included.

Instead of following their section on installing xdebug, rather use xdebug's custom installation instructions referred to by @hakre in a related post.

Once xdebug shows up in the phpinfo output, you can continue by setting up eclipse for xdebug as described in the tutorial mentioned before.

If it still doesn't work make sure you

  • have read the answer above
  • xdebug's port is free and matches eclipse's debug configuration -> server tab -> server section -> configure button (9030 by default!)

and try

  • cutting the quotes from the zend_extension property within your php.ini file
  • putting all your xdebug-settings in your php.ini file - i dont have a xdebug.ini file in use.
  • repeating the filename within eclipse debug-configuration -> server tab -> url section -> last input field as shown below.

enter image description here

If Eclipse is stopping at 57%, then the remote debugging process couldn't be started. This might the case, when...

  • You didn't enable remote debugging in the file /PHP/php.ini:

  • the remote host ip address (client which starts debug session (your IDE)) isn't correct:

  • Instead of defining the remote hosts ip address you can enable "multihost" remote debugging using:


Also checkout the xdebug documentation for all settings: http://xdebug.org/docs/all_settings