waitForNavigation hanging, even though page was loaded

According to Puppeteer documentation proper pattern for clicking on submit and waiting for navigation is like this:

await Promise.all([
  page.waitForNavigation({ waitUntil: 'load' }),

Adding to the answer of Everettss, I would like to present a more modern code. Basically instead of doing any operation and calling waitFornavigation, the motive is to do the other way around. Something like this:

//Get the promise which isn't resolved yet
const navigationPromise = page.waitForNavigation(); 

//Perform the activity (Click, Goto etc). Note that the link is any valid url
await page.goto(link);

//wait until the navigationPromise resolves
await navigationPromise;

This helps to avoid race condition as per this discussion

This code makes use of async/await which is much more readable than promise-based code

