Wacom Intuos S only recognized in Android Mode

I had the exact same problem. I think it worked for a bit of time, then launched into android mode (I don't know why). If I had know how to reset it then (hold buttons 1 and 4), I bet everything would've been fine, but instead I tried to reinstall and debug. My eventual solution is below, followed by some notes. Hopefully some of this will be helpful to someone...

What worked for me: at some point during the process of trying to get my tablet to work, I tried to re-install wacom-input (version 0.45.0). Eventually, simply running sudo make uninstall from the wacom-input installation directory fixed all of my problems, reverting to the system default driver I think.

My system information: ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS, GNOME 3.28.4.

Tablet information: Intuos PEN (model number CLT-6100WL) (bluetooth capable).

Some notes about how I think I broke things:

  • At some point, I also tried to purge libwacom-bin, libwacom-common and/or libwacom2, and ended up rendering my desktop environment unable to launch. Even when I reinstalled ubuntu-desktop (entering the shell directly with F3 during the endless boot screen I was getting) my keyboard didn't work and I had to also sudo apt install xserver-xorg-input-all using the onscreen accessibility keyboard. How this is possible is truly astounding to me... and makes me sad about the state of (even extremely mainstream) linux.

  • I ran into the ``duplicate keys'' problem described here, and I think I deleted some of the files in /usr/share/libwacom to remove duplicates. I'm not sure if it was caused by me, or some sequence of installations/uninstallations, but at some point the file I thought was corresponding to my device (intuos-m-p3-wl.tablet) was missing. Creating that file, and populating it with sensible data, didn't help (even after restart). (I am not sure the exact relationship between files in this directory and the behavior of the drivers/libraries. Would love an explanation from someone knowledgeable.)

Some notes about how things are working now:

  • Now that things are working though, it seems my device actually corresponds to /usr/share/libwacom/intuos-m-p3.tablet. Reason: libwacom-list-local-devices (and lsusb) give the address 056a:0378, which appears in the file intuos-m-p3.tablet. I am now able to toggle android mode at will (not that I want to) and the address changes to 2d1f:0378, which appears in intuos-m-p3-wl-android.tablet. So maybe linking the device to "non-WL" version of the configuration sidesteps the issue where linux is misidentified as android??

  • My tablet even works in bluetooth. However, it seems to no longer be recognized by libwacom, as it doesn't appear in settings or with libwacom-list-local-devices.

  • Bizarrely, when I connect the tablet, it appears twice, with identical entries, under libwacom-list-local-devices.

  • Other people are having this issue. Presumably you've found these resources: help, issue filed. Unfortunately these pages didn't solve my problem directly.

So I Got this problem today. On ubuntu 19.10 with Intuos BT S. Also system utils displayed the tablet and stylus as disconnected.

I used this command libwacom-list-local-devices which showed this on device name Wacom Intuos BT S (Android Mode). Also xsetwacom --list dev did list only STYLUS and ERASER.

I first followed all the instructions on The linux Wacom Project. After successful installation I restarted my PC. And for the sake of not messing anything else also disabled all workspaces and display related tweeks. Then I verified that everything is running as it should according to The linux Wacom Project instructions.

Now my wacom table was detected by system utils but still not working properly (still in android mode).

After that I had the same issue still. So I held the left-most and right-most button of Intuos simultaneously for 10sec. After that everything worked like a charm.

When I run xsetwacom --list dev now also the PAD and CURSOR are properly showing.

Also I recomend looking into Dual and Multi Monitor Set Up instructions. So that you can verify that your settup is recognized correctly.