Vue2 with typescript, Property does not exist on type

Well, I don't have a good answer for you, but I have theory:

The original type declaration resides in vue/types/options.d.ts:

type DefaultData<V> =  object | ((this: V) => object); // here is the kicker
data?: Data;

And I found that:

data():object { ... // this.snackbar does not exist
data(){ ... // this.snackbar does exist.
data(): any { ... // this.snackbar does exist.
data(): { snackbar: boolean; msg: string; color: string } { ... // Also valid

I think without your object declaration typescript will think that data is DefaultData<V> = object. But once you say it returns an object, data will suddenly match ((this: V) => object) instead. Now typescript expects this to be of type V (which I assume is a vue-instance) and since that vue instance does not have a snackbar in it's definition, boom, typescript throws.

Lot's of guessing here, but I think pretty much anything except explicitly returning object would work to not match that second signature in DefaultData<V>.